vendredi, mai 30, 2014

Das Park Hotel

Hotel rooms built from giant concrete sewage pipe segments.

Although this is a one-of-the-kind hotel, there are now two... One in Austria - Ottensheim and the other near Essen in Germany. They have been designed from the outset to use worldwide standard concrete drainage or sewage pipe sections - so you could well see more of them in the future.

The idea of Andreas Strauss in 2004, the first rooms were provided in Linz. Moved to nearby Ottensheim, rooms are accessed by a digital keypad, whose code is provided by the self service website upon booking acceptance.

The beauty of these pipes is that their concrete utilitarian look needs little alteration to make them habitable - a coat of varnish is all that is necessary. The tubes have also have received wall paintings by the Austrian artist Thomas Latzel Ochoa to make them seem a little more user friendly.

Each tube weighs 9,5 tonnes – so although some might be tempted to rock or vandalise them, they are incredibly robust and need little maintenance. More advanced lock and electronic keypad systems are being fitted in 2007, but the original concept is working very well.

Like cave hotels, Das Park Hotel is fairly cool in the summer, and perhaps still warm in winter, although at the moment the hotel is only open from May to October.

dimanche, mai 18, 2014


Es un curso vivencial en donde tendrás la posibilidad de desbloquear condicionamientos que limitan tu desarrollo personal y emocional, liberar las limitantes que hacen que no puedas manejar tus emociones de forma adecuada, y GENERAR CIRCULOS DE EXCELENCIA en los ámbitos de tú vida.

OBJETIVO GENERAL: Desarrollar el poder que hay en las creencias positivas y en los hábitos sanos, para construir relaciones interpersonales armoniosas. Desarrollar emociones equilibradas, sanar tus emociones  e ir más allá de tus límites autoimpuestos. 

Este taller permite darse cuenta de que el éxito, la riqueza, la felicidad, la salud, el amor, se consiguen gracias a la actitud que tienen los seres humanos frente a las circunstancias y al poder de  claridad y acción.

FECHA DEL CURSO: Sábado 21 y domingo 22 de junio.

 Toda persona que desee un estilo de vida diferente y  con interés en su desarrollo personal.

DURACIÓN: 18 horas divididas en dos días

SEDE: Centro Félix de Jesús,  Tlalpan,  Ciudad de México.

Más información: 4596 6245 / 04455 1706 5450
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